Echoes Trailer

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

My Acceptance of The Versatile Blogger Award from Ruth Cox

My Acceptance of The Versatile Blogger Award from Ruth Cox

Me Versatile? Versatile: Capable of dealing with many subjects. It is this definition that allows me to accept this award.

The Versatile Blogger Award I have received comes with rules:

1. Thank the person who loved me enough to bestow this gift. (A big thank you to Ruth Cox and a private email has been sent as well.)

2. Share seven things about myself.
    1. I am blessed to have many friends and family members willing to share my life.
    2. I believe that we are all unique and yet, we are all the same.
    3. I am a combination of the past and the present with a strong desire to make a difference in the future.
    4. I am a proud lifelong resident of West Virginia.
    5. I am a addicted to chocolate and not ashamed to admit it...Goddiva anyone?
    6. No one loves their children more than I love my children.
    7. I am a writer. I set free the rumblings deep within my soul by sharing my thoughts and feelings through poetry and prose.

3. Bestow this honor onto 10 newly discovered or followed bloggers – in no particular order – who are fantastic in some way.

Amanda -  Amanda's Love and Writing Blog
Karen - Karen's Love and Writing Blog
Lena - Lena's Love and Writing Blog
Debra - Debra's Love and Writing Blog
Anca - Faraway Designs Blog
Elizabeth - Elizabeth R's Blog
Mish - Mish's Love and Writing Blog
Pattie - Pattie's Blog
Luxury Reading - Luxury Reading Blog
Ruthi C - Ruthi Reads

4. Drop by and let my friends know I love them!
I'll be dropping by all of the blogs I follow.


  1. Thank you Dianna; I was quite happy to bestow this award upon you, as your versatility is evident in the writings you share.

    I'm sorry, but I will decline the award, since I'm the one who gave it to you, LOL, but I thank you for the thought!

    Blessings & a bit o' sunshine!


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